Tuesday, December 29, 2015


So amazing experience of the week: GOD DOES ANSWER PRAYERS!!!!!

A girl in my district had laryngitis and I had/have a cold, and we spend like 13 hours a day in a classroom with our district. After the other girl got better, the next day 2 people came in super duper sick. One went to the infirmery and found out he had faryngitis... So it was pretty bad.... A few days prior we had a devotional about saying super specific prayers and they will more likely be answered if you have the faith. Well I decided to try it. I prayed that by 1145 that morning that both of them would feel substantially better and that their throats would stop hurting. 1145 came and nothing happened, and the one with faryngitis went home.... So I prayed again and asked that by dinner time they would be better. 10 minutes before dinner time the guy with faryngitis and his companion came into the classroom proclaiming that he was 100% better and felt perfectly fine, then I found out that the other girls throat stopped hurting just before lunch (1145). It was a little miracle that came about through fervent prayer.
Ether 12:6 is right - ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith. I couldve given up after nothing happened the first time, but when I continued in faith I received an answer to my prayers. It was incredible!! He was supposed to be sick for at least 5 days according the doctor, and the other girl that was sick was the companion to the one with laryngitis the week before, so she probably had laryngitis too, but the Lord answered my prayers and they both were only sick for half a day. 

I know that prayer is so powerful and that if you pray with faith that all will be well. You will receive an answer, on the Lords timing of course, but that is even better because He knows what you need better than you do!! I am so grateful for this faith promoting experience. I love my Lord and Savior so much with all my heart!! 

Hermana Martineau

BTW on Christmas morning I will call at 9 am my time, so 8am your time. I will call Dads phone because you might be at work, so tell Dad to be ready to answer at 8 am Christmas morning. I am so sorry, I had no choice of when to call.. We are all calling at that time. And we will have 30 minutes, and no it isnt a Skype :)
I love you so so much Mom and Dad!!! <3 Thanks for all you do for me :)

Hermana Martineau

​Me, Hna Wilde, and my teeny tiny teacher Hno Palma :)

Our little wall-tree to make it kind of feel like Christmas :)

The Mexico City Temple    

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